Welcome to the 'emulated' world of IBM mainframes

On this blog I will take you with me thru the adventures on a mainframe, how to operate it and do some programming. This will of course be a bumpy ride, but don't be afraid. At this writing I already found a lot of pitfalls, and guide you around them.

What can you expect here ?

KICKS, meaning a free CICS. This was the maingoal to learn about IBM mainframes. In my quest to find a secure (no php and mysql shit) multiuser, classic, retro, terminal looking system, I stumbled upon MUSIC/SP, and used it for a few years. However, the emulator ran on Windows, and I wanted to get to a Linux remote server. Music/sp on Linux/Hercules emulator didnt allow ftp anymore, so it was litteraly disconnected from the outside world. MVS, the turnkey version, didn't, and I dived in the deep and almost drowned. More on this later, much more.

We will also take a look to the storage side of KICKS, namely VSAM. How to define them, use them, and  copy those to tape. Yes, mainframes uses tapes.

A bit of JCL, system programming, and all what come by on our path and worthy of a post you will be able to find here.

Of course it will not only be KICKS, I will take a look in everything what is of interrest or help.

Why 'emulated' in the title you ask ? Well, besides its emulated on often x86 hardware, the system doesnt know it, and all actions you do, are like at the real system. We can just forget after starting the system its emulated.

If you miss anything, let me know.